Former Indian batsman Yuvraj Singh has named the former India skipper Sourav Ganguly had the worst dressing sense during his playing days. During an Instagram Live conversation with India Today, Yuvraj Singh revealed that the players in the team used to make fun of Sourav Ganguly over his dressing style.
Revealing the stories about the Indian dressing room during Sourav’s captaincy stint, Yuvi went on to say that they used to pull Dada’s legs over his dressing sense but it never mattered to Ganguly.
We were not impressed with Dada at all. He was the India captain, such a big name. So I was like, Dada please, you are India captain, you can not dress up like that. But Dada was like, let it be, how does it matter.
Yuvraj told India Today.
This revelation is particularly interesting as Sourav Ganguly is regarded as one of the most aggressive captains of all time. Young guys making fun of their skipper only tells about how good the environment was within the team at that period.
Yuvraj Singh has played under the captaincy of Sourav Ganguly, MS Dhoni, and Virat Kohli during his career. He also won the ICC T20 World Cup 2007 and ICC World World Cup 2011 under the captaincy of MS Dhoni. However, The Southpaw has always accepted openly that Sourav Ganguly is his favorite skipper.
Sourav Ganguly would be my favourite captain. Of all the India captains, he had supported me the most. Dada nurtured young talent. He had said then that he felt like there were 4-5 boys who would help him make the team strong and he supported all of them.
Yuvraj Singh further added, talking about the current BCCI chief.